I just switched to FreeBSD, and I have a few questions

Where can I install packages I want to compile from source?

  1. Fetch and epdate the Ports tree. # portsnap fetch extract

  2. Go to the Ports directory. # cd /usr/ports/ # ls accessibility converters games mail palm textproc x11-themes MOVED arabic databases german math polish Tools x11-toolkits README archivers deskutils graphics misc ports-mgmt ukrainian x11-wm UIDs astro devel hebrew Mk portuguese vietnamese CHANGES UPDATING audio distfiles hungarian multimedia print www CONTRIBUTING.md
    base dns irc net russian x11 COPYRIGHT
    benchmarks editors japanese net-im science x11-clocks GIDs
    biology emulators java net-mgmt security x11-drivers INDEX-11
    cad finance Keywords net-p2p shells x11-fm INDEX-11.bz2
    chinese french korean news sysutils x11-fonts LEGAL
    comms ftp lang obj Templates x11-servers Makefile

  3. Go to port you want to build/install.

    # cd audio/lame # make install clean

  4. Port is insalled as package. # pkg info | grep lame lame-3.100_2 Fast MP3 encoder kit twolame-0.3.13_4 MPEG Audio Layer 2 encoder

There are a few features in BSPWM that haven't made it into the ports tree yet, so I would like to compile it from it's source on Github. Is there a standard practice for doing this?

Like compiling from source on Linux - fetch them, extract to some place and compile, if something is missing then add the deps from Ports or packages.

easy way to slim down all the packages that are installed by default

What do you mean by that?

/r/freebsd Thread