Who wins biggest in the GOP tax plan? The lazy rich

Calling them “the lazy rich” is simply absurd. Believe it or not some people actually work hard to get themselves educated in order to make substantial wealth.

Is it easier for people who are born with legitimate wealth already and connections that can make their business career much easier? Of course. But why would we persecute these people for utilizing what has been given to them?

In a capitalistic society money is spread. The logic is that people who make tons of money are therefore able to invest it and circulate it to enrich the economy.

So you can keep complaining that your journalist job or Grindr employee title is being taxed too much, but realize that there are people who have actively worked towards getting a decent living and have succeeded in doing so. I understand the jealously, but to punish them for their successes is ridiculous as it punishes the potential employees that they may hire and companies that they may invest in.

/r/politics Thread Link - sltrib.com