Just watched Trey's video on ApeFest...

The fact that he was so FRUSTRATED shows that this is the first time he has encounter any kind of push back online. He has been used to all the positive feedback that he has gotten and this is a little bit of a reality check of what the internet can be. A double edge sword to say the least. He mentioned in his video that its "only $150" and comparing it to buying subway and getting haircuts. Its not. Also comparing it to buying a $50 PPV fight... its not. People have LITERALLY YOLO their entire savings into this thing and are even buying on every payday to keep the buying pressure going, living paycheck to paycheck and staying positive... He has residual income from Youtube (which he deserves) while others only have ONE source of income. Also, mind you... WHY THE HELL theres a $1000 VIP experience pass? That is JUST for the event. People still have to buy the flights, transport, food, they will party (are the drinks free??) and gamble.... and of course the most important part... they will also have to take off work (main source of income) to spend even more money on partying. It just doesnt make any sense why anyone can justify this. You said it, we want FREEDOM, the story should end with everyone having the freedom to do better and take care of each other, families and friends hanging out and smiling. Not getting drunk in Vegas with pictures BLASTED all over MSM and making it sound like this is a joke.

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