Kanye West. If you up vote this, a photo from Kim and Ray-J's sex tape will appear when Kanye West is Googled.

You are morbidly curious. Nothing wrong with it. We all seek life and death answers. We want to know why, how and all of the "W's". It is true. Some seek it out further than others. Others are happy in there cocoon of ignorant bliss. Others seek the morbid truth of life. Some seek it because they are truly sick and get off on the gore and tragedy of the deal. But for most, it is seeing life as it is in the moment. The worst possible moment. For anyone, the viewer or the "victim(s)". It, gives you an appreciation for life, and how in one moment. One moment of inattention, one moment of glee or such can distract you and get you killed. Or, it should give you thanks! That you live in the country that you do, where you are not persecuted for the life you choose to live or the religion you choose to practice! You get to see first hand! How bad other people have it in other countries....and you dare complain about being gay and your "rights"! I mean seriously! Umm. No! You want to be a FemeNazi!!! Ummm...no! You have no clue what feminism was or what it was meant to be or do....you are just a fat sad slob! People and their side shows! I mean really! You have it easy compared to most, so shut the fuck up! No, seriously...shut the fuck up! You people want to be included...here is a huge fucking clue...stop segregating yourself from the general population! You know! You want to be accepted, stop the fucking "Queer Only" clubs, bars, night-spots...etc! You are ONLY further excluding yourselves from the rest of the population and further alienating yourself from the general population by doing this! You are so dumb! You exclude and partition yourself away, yet want to be included! Welp, bitches. It ain't gonna happen with your way. You! Yes YOU, have to include, get out and accept the heterosexual people! If YOU dont....YOU will never be accepted or included! and as long as you have separate clubs, watering holes and such...Continue to hide away....you will never be accepted! that is a fact jack! It is up to you to accept US! Wow....i just realized this is the wrong damn forum....SHIT! Oh well...I feel a little better any way.

/r/circlejerk Thread Link - i.imgur.com