Kaplan Books

Im restudying for mcat.

For reference, ive taken bio, chem, orgo, physics, biochem, human physiology, and 1 semester of psych.

So far im seeing improvement by using these free resources:

Jacksparrow deck for bio (supplemented with notes from my undergrad)

Dr. Panckow deck for psych and soc + 300 page khanacademy doc (this deck seriously is so good, i can't believe ive actually memorized a shit ton of good info already)

Pearl-anking-Milesdown for biochem (mid way through this so will give a review about it soon, but very good imo).

If you come across something you dont know, search it on r/mcat or on youtube, and youll be gucci

Id 100% recommend these if you are looking for free resources.

Only place ive spent money is on ucrap and it's so worth it.

/r/premedcanada Thread