Keep spending, but doesn't make any sense to fight against F2P and light spenders. In the end everyone just want the best for this game. Thank to whales that spend in the game and see that what superprism is doing right now is not healthy for this game longevity.


This game needs to strike a balance between F2P, light spenders, and big spenders.

Elementium AND P2W UR gears are NOT the way to go. - If they keep releasing P2W UR gears, slowly and surely, F2P/dolphins will straight out not even bother with Ares. - Imagine working on Ares for half a year only for the majority of the players to avoid LMFAO - If the power difference between each elementium rank is game-changingly huge, then it’ll only tighten the noose around Ares.

This game needs more things for people to be interested in playing and paying: - Skins for the 5 leaders. Skins for more characters. Skins. Skins. More skins are needed! - More things to spend diamonds on perhaps? - They added Coop to entice people to buy more attempts with diamonds, which I thought was a good approach. - Make more shop packs more reasonable to entice more people to spend. - More lost mirror packs with reasonable price. Everyone I know is bottlenecked by lost mirror. Do the devs even calculate how much lost mirror we need with the speed at which they’re releasing new characters?

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