AITA Group of six friends, one friend made the decision to add her (recently met three months ago) boyfriend to our intimate group text chain. We share professional connections and work in the same field. AITA to feel annoyed?

Bringing him to events isn't a problem at all, we all drag along people we don't know to events. But the thing about events is nothing is taped/printed so you really don't have to worry about what I worry about with texts.

I haven't -- honestly I really liked her at first, but our personalities are just incompatible. The best way I can describe it is that she has double standards for things and it drives me nets. As examples, she gives one of our friends shit for not wanting the covid vaccine/to wear a mask, but she makes most of her life decisions based on her horoscope and blames any of her shortcomings/mistakes on the fact she's a Taurus or whatever. Me wanting to inform her boyfriend about some concerning behavior of someone (I thought) his department had hired to teach was unprofessional, but it was OK for her to describe her and her ex's/our friend's terrible sex life in detail and smear him. It's unprofessional for me to add her on linkedin because she doesn't want people to know she knows me, but it's OK for her to invite (this dude) to our personal text space. You get the idea.

I think going with them for a lunch date would just be weird.

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