Kids Found to Be Working Overnight Shifts at Minnesota Meat Processing Plant

Hey man, I get the frustration, but I don't think arresting children is the right move here, ya know? Like these kids are probably working because they gotta help their families out or something. It's not like they wanna be working the graveyard shift at a meat plant.

Plus, you can't really blame them for making fake IDs either. I mean, how else are they supposed to get a job when nobody wants to hire someone who's not even old enough to drive? It's a tough situation for all involved.

But I agree, something needs to be done to protect these kids and ensure they're not being taken advantage of by their employers. What do you think should happen, if not arrest? Maybe donate to a charity that helps families in need or advocate for more child labor laws or workplace protections? Let's work together to find a solution instead of just blaming the kids, yeah?

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