What's the most weird/terrifying confession you've heard from someone that was drunk?

I'm sorry, but I have to call BS on this one. Either you, your uncle or the guy who told your uncle the story is lying.

I work in construction (I drive an excavator, often at construction sites to prepare the ground), and have done so since the late 90's. When a building is to be built, all the markers aren't put up first, and then no surveyor visits the site until the building is finished. It just doesn't work that way. First some preliminary markers are put up, so we (the excavator drivers) know where to dig (we naturally need prints as well, the markers correlate with the prints). Then new markers are put up, defining certain structures, e.t.c. Work continues, new markers are put up. There is always multiple double-checks of each phase of the construction, both before and after pouring the foundation. Even when the building is being erected there's continuous checks to see that everything is right.

If it was any bigger than a shed or really small house, there is no way the building could have been erected in the wrong spot.

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