Martin Luther King Jr. courageously spoke out about the Vietnam War. We must do the same when it comes to Palestine. In this new year, we aim to speak with greater courage and conviction about injustices beyond our borders, particularly those that are funded by our government.

You’re absolutely right, because he never trusted the intentions of the Arab powers. What we have instead is Iran funneling weapons and cash to Hamas to engage in a terrorist proxy war. We don’t have an apartheid state, that’s the Iranian propaganda narrative.

Palestinians are a proxy army for Iran. They raised the children up as soldiers and suicide bombers. Over the course of a generation they inflicted over 800 suicide attacks on crowded civilian population areas in Israel, so Israel built a wall and security barriers. The proxy army became an occupation of Israeli land, and Israel built their bases for them.

After defeating terrorism the Palestinian numbers swelled. Where the Gaza Strip was once home to 35,000 Palestinians it became home to over 2,000,000. The Arab powers refused to deal with the refugee crisis, instead using them as pawns for propaganda against Israel.

The common theme through the story of the Israeli struggle for security is Iran’s determination to wipe them off the map. MLK was right to cast suspicion. PLO/Hamas have hid behind a civilian population to wage an unending war, with permanent bases inside Israeli territory.

The terrorists hid behind a civilian population when the terrorists sent suicide bombers into markets. The terrorists hid behind a civilian population when they sent rockets into Israel cities. The terrorists hid behind civilians when they launched BDS movement for the delegitimization of Israel.

The stated goal of all these terrorists: Iran, Hamas, PLO, and BDS is the elimination of Israel. At some point, some people in the Western world grew weary of watching conflict and thought maybe it’s the best chance for peace.

For the peace of the great powers watching mind you, not the peace of Israel. Israel continues to struggle for the right to exist. To be a homeland for the Jewish people. The two state solution is a death trap. There can be no apartheid because the terrorists do not have a State and will never be a part of Israel. They have time and again made one thing clear: independence is not enough, there will be no peace until there is no Israel.

The wool is pulled over the eyes of the UN and the media. As an American ally who has witnessed the whole thing go down, I am not asleep to the truth. Palestinians are not progressives, you don’t value freedom, equality, or even human dignity. How could you with a campaign for genocide, suicide bombers, and artillery rockets being fired into cities?

The white European Jewish Zionist stereotype is propaganda. Yes Zionists came and they transformed sand into cities. Since 1948, Jewish communities over 1,00 years old, predating Islam, across the Middle East and Northern Africa have witnessed the violent expulsion of over 850,000 Jews.

Over half the population of Israel are refugees from those pogroms. The movement to “free Palestine” isn’t a progressive one. It’s the ethnic cleansing of Jews from what they perceive to be Arab land. It’s time to recognize the “two state solution” that has been rejected by the Muslim Arabs time and again is not the solution the world is looking for. The truth is written in the charter, and it’s right there in the name. Palestine is Iran’s final solution for the extermination of the Jews.

I don’t need to pretend to speak for Martin Luther King Jr, he has already told us the security and territorial integrity of Israel are unquestionable.

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