Covington Catholic: Longer video shows start of the incident at Indigenous Peoples March

Not everyone know, or even gives a shit, about all of that.

And even if we did, what do you want us to do about it? Go match in the streets with you? I’m gonna live my life the way I want to, which involves not caring about a single thing that happens in politics. But I do recall being a kid and supporting the side I preferred. These kids obviously don’t know the hard facts behind the realism of politics.

Do you really think they’d still wear those hats if they were to learn trump had given the OK to murder a family, or if the government was responsible for thousands of mexican deaths? Oh wait, we’ve been killing Mexicans for a long time that wasn’t just trump.

It doesn’t matter what president it is. The USA is fucked and will continue to be. Don’t focus on the puppet so much. Trump and many before him are just that, puppets for us to hate. Meanwhile the people actually in charge sit back and never receive any reciprocations, while we slaughter each other like fucking idiots.

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