Kolumni: Murheellisten laulujen maa [Syrjäytymisestä ja Imatran tapahtumista]

The rewards for men are a lot less than they used to be, and the costs are a lot higher, so they’re opting out.

Men are more isolated, and we don’t like the things men do when they get together. We don’t like that they want certain spaces for themselves. At the same time people are always talking about how alienated men are, but we are reinforcing the alienation that men feel because we don’t want to hear what men have to say. Male space is not important and not allowed to exist in our society the way it used to be. There used to be a lot of men-only groups, but this is now seen as a political issue and [these kinds of groups] have been ostracized. We have plenty of women’s groups that are allowed. And men feel like they can’t really do anything. The law forbids it in many cases, but you do see women-only gyms and groups in colleges, or women’s centers. Every college campus has a women’s center!

Look at cartoons and shows on television that are about bumbling dads who don’t know what they’re doing. J.R. Macnamara, who wrote Media and Male Identity, found that the majority of images of men on television and in the media are negative (a recent Huggies commercial, which caused an uproar, is a good example of this). And you wonder how that has to affect young boys. Society plays to the strengths of girls and against the strength of boys. Competitiveness in schools is seen as a negative, but cooperativeness tends to be seen as positive.

And many classrooms across the country convey the message to boys that they will “grow up and rape a girl.” By the time a boy gets through with high school he’s heard so many negative things about men. And colleges are filled with the same. Boys react. They think, “I’ll just become what they say I am. They said I was a criminal and that’s what I am.” When you tell boys they’re perverts, good for nothing, or that they can’t succeed, then I think they do start to believe it. They do opt out of things because—who wants to spend all these hours of college listening to this stuff, feeling like an outsider?

You argue that there are also certain things that only men can provide. What are those things?

HS: They can be good fathers. A mother can’t be a dad to a boy. Boys and men tend to be more aggressive, and men can teach the boundaries of such aggression. They can teach boys how to sublimate those feelings into something positive. Doing away with the role of fathers and saying they’re not important is a mistake. Without two parents, children will be okay, but they won’t learn the full realm of what it is to be both masculine and feminine.


Ydinperhe, avioliitto, yksiavioisuus, kaikki ikävät sosiaaliset rajoitukset ja muu turha paska on heitetty sivuun - mitä siitä on aina seurannut ja seuraa nytkin? Pähkinänkuoressa: kun markkinat vapautetaan, 99% paalusta päätyy lopulta erittäin pienen piirin käsiin - parisuhdemarkkinat eivät ole poikkeus.

Sexodus: The Men Giving Up On Women And Checking Out Of Society http://www.breitbart.com/london/2014/12/04/the-sexodus-part-1-the-men-giving-up-on-women-and-checking-out-of-society/ http://www.breitbart.com/london/2014/12/09/the-sexodus-part-2-dishonest-feminist-panics-leave-male-sexuality-in-crisis/

TL;DR: tässä, ole hyvä

Suomen mediassakin näkee jatkuvasti näitä juttuja "mikä suomalaisia poikia oikein vaivaa koulussa?!", "miesten vika, että syntyvyys ja avioliittojen määrä on romahtanut", jne. Vähän aikaa sitten oli artikkeleita siitä kuinka joka viides 18-35v suomalainen mies on täysin työ- ja opiskelupaikkojen ulkopuolella - huoli ei ollut niinkään heistä itsestään vaan siitä kadonneesta potentiaalista (lue: yhteiskuntaa hyödyttävästä tuottavuudesta ja veromasseista).

YH-äitien kasvavalla määrälläkin on osuutta asiaan, mutta siihen lippaaseen en koske. Jokainen osaa googlata, jos kiinnostaa.

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