"La sécurité privée et le problème de la сonfiance : l’expérience Аustralienne" Tim Prenzler

It is in English.

Tim Prenzler seems a more intellectually honest author than P. Stenning.

P. Stenning did however write: ""The seduction of technology is nowhere more evident than in policing, and has never been more prevalent than in the last decade or two. This is, of course, too large a topic to go into in any detail here. The principal difference between public and private police in this regard, however, lies in the much greater resources available to private police to acquire intrusive technology, and the much greater incentives and opportunities they have to use it. The dangers of what I call "techno-domination" in policing, in terms of the subversion and erosion of fundamental social values, are obvious, and are every bit as great as the potential benefits. The paucity of systematic knowledge about the burgeoning "hardware sector" of private policing which is widely acknowledged to have been the fastest growing part of the private security industry in recent years and about the social implications and impact of these developments (Marx 1988 is a noteworthy exception), is particularly worrying in this respect. In terms of its potential impact on the quality of our lives, this is the most significant trend in private policing at present, and the threat of "techno-domination" is but one more reason why accountability must remain a high priority as far as private (and public) policing is concerned."

This is something worth examining, though his continued mention of potential "benefits" reveals how morally bankrupt he is.

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