LATTICE16 — 65,536 unique single edition NFTs. An experiment in procedural geometric abstraction.

I’ve been shadowbanned for posting this twice now…here goes attempt number 3

Hi everyone,

I've minted my first NFTs over the weekend! It was exciting. I've been throwing this idea around for a while and I finally got to it. I used Processing and it took about 20 hours total to arrive at the final product. I'm a bit rusty on my Java but it was a lot of fun jumping back in — and working on something visual again was super engaging as usual.

I used to mess around with digital art a lot, but I've spent my energies on other projects these past few years. The hype around NFTs was what got me interested again, which I'm super grateful for. It's interesting to think about why they brought me back, though. I have to admit it's at least partly the money aspect — I would absolutely love to pour all my energy into art full time instead of working a 9-to-5. I do believe NFTs are a great tool to fight for more fair pay for artists. We've been collectively conditioned to devalue art by the way the internet works in a capitalist society. Platforms profit off of ads while audiences expect more content everyday — and "free" is the expected price to pay. Meanwhile artists and other content creators get crumbs of the ad revenue. Builtin royalty systems and provenance is also a really good direction, and I hope it really picks up. Art is labour, art needs to be compensated!

I struggled a lot while researching platforms — I just can't bear to associate myself with all the Ethereum-based ones, knowing how much energy they waste. Not to mention the fees. I'm happy Hic et Nunc exists! In a lot of ways it reminds me of old school Tumblr, like an underground cool kids' club doing weird shit with art.

Also, I'm planning to extend the collection with special editions of the symmetrical pieces sometime soon. Stay tuned!

Anyway, I ramble. You can find the first 16 NFTs of LATTICE16 over on my Hic et Nunc page:

/r/hicetnunc Thread Link -