How to meet professionals?

I have a house, I am debt-free. I am looking to get a better career than the one that I have now. I have two masters degrees. It’s difficult. Because I know what you’re saying, everyone that I see online seems to have these part time jobs. It’s not a job shaming thing, it’s just The same people who seem to be sitting around smoking pot all day. Again not even shaming marijuana users, because that’s no big deal. But I have noticed something interesting. I think it’s because of our age. I have coworkers who are in their 20s and they’re dating apps have many many business professionals. Startup companies, insurance companies, landscape company owners. Maybe it’s just because of age? The younger generations are 100% online dating. Whereas maybe our generation only has a few people? Maybe people from our generation will just meet other people at work mostly? Not sure. But as a teacher I only work with women so I’m not meeting anyone there. I hope this comment did not offend anyone. That was not my intent. I’m just noticing differences like the OP mentioned

/r/datingoverforty Thread