Lays on floor of gym during week bc POTs. Walks dog in mountains on weekend.

it is so insanely weird to me that a group of 30 thousand people spend their time stalking down, harassing, and questioning people with diseases and disabilities?? how do y’all live with yourselves? and how do you find all the time to worry about these people? this is so so so weird and gross. I have POTS and this isn’t how it works AT ALL. one day I’ll pass out if I just stand up or take a shower, the next day I might be feeling completely fine enough to take a hike! and to all the people saying “I’m a medical professional!” .... do you know how many medical professionals I’ve talked to that didn’t take my autoimmune disease and POTS seriously? way too fucking many. and to the other half saying “well I have an autoimmune disease!!!” why are you here? why are you spending your time tearing other people who deal with similar struggles down?? it’s so STRANGE. I hope one day some of you realize how harmful this is.

y’all are fucking disgusting. truly wish I’d never stumbled across this subreddit.

/r/illnessfakers Thread Link -