LBG Soloists I need some advise.

Um.. late but.. while i main DB's i have a TON played w/ LBG (1093) lol.

Is it worth having bonus shot on your set to make the most out of elemental pierce level 2 or is there another skill I should use like ammo saver and avoid relying on rapid fire for my damage if it's too risky? Personally you don't HAVE to but if it's the only skill then yeah go for it.. if not go for Repeat Offender or Weakness Exploit.. or hell even something else. Whatever suits you. Also how good is Elemental LBG solo, do you find yourself running out of ammo often? Well i really only use Pierce Element solo if it's a monster that's super weak to it like Plesi w/ Thunder. But in those cases nope i don't run out of ammo. What elemental guns work better solo then they do in multi? The Khezu Syringe vs the Angel Parasol comes to mind. Finally what style and skills do you use when soloing with the LBG? Thunder: Elegant Parasol Fire: Either Silver Rathalos or Gold Rathian LBG. (They both have pierce fire lvl2.) For ice: Jawbreaker Water: Nebula Storm. This thing rapid fire Sleep Lvl 2 + P. Water Lvl 2. Not to mention all the ones i've listed rapid fire that element pierce lvl 2 ;'). And the Nebula Storm shoots Pierce Water Lvl 1 although that one is not rapid fire. (Also has one slot.) Dragon: Sadly there are no Pierce Dragon guns. D: Also may i mention. Don't use Pierce Up on Pierce Element. Doesn't affect it. Hope i could help in some shape or form even though this thing was all over the place lol.

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