How can I get in multiplayer without anxiety of letting my teammates down If I die

Not trying to be a troll or anything, honest answer from someone who have been dealing with clinical depression, anxiety and social phobia for the last 6-7 years...same way you go about living...there WILL be those ones that will make you feel bad about yourself with what they say/do, there also will be others that don't, keep in mind that each person has their own lives too, that guy might be a asshole all the time, might also be that he/she had a terrible day, went to play video games to wind up and failing the quest was the last straw, in the end you are responsible for you and your actions, if you indeed know that you tried your best, there's nothing to regret, try not to let others dictate how you feel, it's a nightmare circle that it's hard to break, but you can do it, they don't know you, you do, happy hunting ^^

/r/MonsterHunter Thread