Legendary typos in literature

exactly. another is in the 'Proteus' chapter. The original text (as published) reads:

"Rich booty you brought back; Le Tutu, five tattered numbers of Pantalon Blanc et Culotte Rouge, a blue French telegram, curiosity to show:"

"-- Mother dying come home father."

Gabler found that Joyce's manuscript shows "Nother" instead of "Mother", and he assuems the typesetters (this was when they typeset be reading the manuscript) thought the 'N' was a spelling error, and they corrected it on the fly themselves, to the 'correct' spelling of 'Mother'.

The phrase "Curiosity to show" now makes more sense with the word as "Nother", and Gabler returned it to Joyce's spelling.

An old NY Times article discusses some of the bigger changes...

...including another "misspelling" corrected by the typesetters from the manuscript was (per the Times article);

"when the black horn fan held by the ''whoremistress'' Bella Cohen asks, ''Have you forgotten me?'' and is answered [by the fan],

''Nes. Yo.''

The typesetters changed it to ''Yes. No.'' thinking Joyce had made an error.

Lot of interesting stuff, the most impactful which is (I think) "the word known to all men" which Gabler discusses in ther forward.

great stuff. just another of the many reasons that Ulysses is regarded as one of the more rich novels of the 20th Century.

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