Let's talk content. AMA.

If you actually visit the subreddit you'll see it's exactly what it claims to be, a subreddit for ethics in journalism and media and problems surrounding the gaming industry,

Looking at the "top all time" of that sub, it's nearly entirely misogynistic comments about Pao with some trans hate thrown in.

With a wonderful community leaving wonderful comments comments like "The real goal of feminism was giving women in advantageous situations a way to claim oppression," and "Ellen "Womenshevik" Pao" it's no wonder KiA is on the chopping block. Aside from the impending purge of the sub, todays "hot topic" seems to be that Gay marriage is more relevant to NeoGaf, a video game forum, than the death of one of the most influential figures of the games industry. Additionally, there's a thread about a woman, Katherine Clark, calling herself a SJW. KiA likes to ask meaningful questions about this, such as How did this woman get elected to office?

What gets me is that the community seems surprised. Its like, they look at their forum, see direct links to personal twitter accounts, forum posts, reddit posts, belonging to women or trans users, and then wonder where the harassment comes from.

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