Why Lexa did what she did. A writer explains it.

The writers break the story together in the room

If you participate in "breaking" an story then you get credit for writing.

I don't know how many other ways I can put it.

You could look up copyright law and union regs and then you might find a way to put it.

It's inconceivable to think 20 people all wrote one episode.

I agree, and that was implied in every single response to you're imaginary posturing.

You're being unnecessarily rude

No, you are. At least I admitted that I was not an insider to this particular show's writing process. That's something you haven't done yet.

If you'd look up how tv writer's rooms worked

Back to my first response in this comment. Look up the law and union regulations. As I said before, there may be shows like that, but in those cases everyone gets credit for every show. I, at least have provided at least one link to support one of my points. you, on the other hand, are persistently posting your wrong-headed imaginings as if they were absolute fact, knowing that this is just something you inferred from an article or documentary about one show, not noticing that there were only 3-4 writers, and they all got credit and payment for every show.

I am not a screenwriter, but I do a bit about copyright law, though it is mostly in the context of songwriting and the music business. I followed the writer's strike closely, and maybe you should make yourself aware of the situation before and after. If a production company violates the terms of that settlement, then even a key grip or cameraman cant work for that company again without getting kicked out of their own union.

20 people did not sit in a room together and flesh out the storyline.

But, let's lave it your way. 20 talented writers sat in a room together and went over this, and not a single fucking one of them chimed in with any of the plot flaw problems and contradictions that everyone on this thread is talking about.

20 smart people, and nobody noticed or cared. That's your version. Maybe you should apply to be a writer for this show. I mean, the way you think and imagine .... You're so creative.

/r/The100 Thread Link - aaronginsburg.tumblr.com