I don't know if John Murphy is a hated character or a favorite or both but Richard Harmon deserves the appreciation he's due. (No spoilers, just a new role).

He came back to the drop ship and burned their food out of revenge

He’s not the one who did that, he just took advantage of the situation by getting extra mad at the guy who did cause the fire.

He tried to kill Bellamy out of revenge and shot Raven in the process, causing her to have permanent leg damage

Like I said, this was when he was still an antagonist (though it’s not like his anger towards Bellamy was completely unwarranted, Bellamy handled the aftermath of the hanging horribly). And he genuinely apologized and made up with Raven later down the line anyway.

He said it took days before he revealed any secrets to the grounders, but he’s a known liar so that could be false. He probably squealed day one

Bruh this is just you creating reasons to be mad at him that don’t even exist.

He sat back and watched as Finn slaughtered an innocent village. ( yelling “stop” isn’t enough)

He didn’t sit back and watch. He was literally pulling him by the shoulder trying to get him to leave (and had been trying to convince him to leave even prior to the shooting beginning). What else was he supposed to do?

•While Clarke, Bellamy, Raven, Jasper, Monty and Lincoln were trying infiltrate MW to save their friends, he was off looking for some stupid city of light ( You know, to save himself. Nevermind his friends getting their blood drained out of them smh).

once Emori entered the picture that was literally all he cared about.

This is very untrue, he loved all of Spacekru like they were his family.

He made a deal with McCreary that would only save him and Emori, bringing a murderous Psycopath back to Shadow valley.

What are you talking about? Him and Emori weren’t in any danger, he was literally their prisoner. He made the deal with McCreary to help save Raven and Echo.

and then you have the shit show in Season 6… Like should I even continue?? Josephine promised him eternal life and he betrayed EVERYONE!!!

Yeah it was a moment of weakness. And he redeemed himself for this in the same season when risked his life by telling Bellamy where to find Gabriel while Josephine (who had no use for him anymore) held a knife to his throat.

The whole point of his arc in season 6 is that is was a regression from the person he had become up to that point, and through this arc it caused him to finally let go of his survivor mentality. This is why you then see him become much more selfless and willing to put himself in harms way for the sake of others.

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