literal comedy heaven

"Oh great and dear sky ruler, How deep is your love?", Timmy asked as he stared up at, the heavens high above.

Is it bigger than a jumbo jet, is it bigger than a whale? Is it more than there are words, in a never-ending tale?

Is it deeper than the ocean, is it fatter than my mom, oh tell me kind sky wizard, is it wide as it is long?

"Silence!" said the wizard with a look of much annoyance, "I am growing tired of your words with their flamboyance"

If you really want to quantify, this love I hold for you, look into the mirror first, and to yourself be true.

So Timmy looked and sure enough, upon his face there grew, a beard as soft as satin, and eyes of knowing blue.

He saw himself as Jesus, and with the wizard as his guide, he opened wide his arms..... And Timmy fucking died

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