LMAOBOX Premium Detected, Vlad and other top snipers vac'd

I like how you say there's "so much wrong with this" when you started playing in S11 and don't seem to know anything about what old UGC was like (and how could you? you were not there and the old old UGC forums are not around and not even remotely fully cached anywhere on waybackmachine etc). But sure, I'm sure all the people responding to you who were actually around playing Highlander then (in both the AMA and this thread) are just wrong and all your misinformation that you refuse to back up with anything or clarify is totally legit.

btw nothing that I said breaks the rules here, I am not attacking you as a person (other than "can't critically process information" but that's so light we'd never remove that), I am attacking your misinformation that you have done multiple times now, were this a more serious topic sub you would actually be asked to backup your accusations (especially the hacking in CS one, at least wherever the hell you heard that one from because that's literally a new one to me, really think you just got confused about axio hacking in CS (had to link the thread where he still admits it instead of the video he took down) and thought it was marisa or something).

I'm still kind of confused how you can say she got banned for not providing POVs in her AMA, get told she didn't get banned for providing POVs, admit you were ignorant of the subject, then still say she got banned for not providing POVs, just to apologize again though.

Also it took me about 20 minutes and this post hasn't even been up for two days, so ok. If you had no intention of replying with anything of substance as you put it, then you shouldn't have just replied at all.

/r/truetf2 Thread Parent Link - ugcleague.net