Public service announcement

Critical thinking...

1) After inventing and concocting numerous conspiracy theories involving people and groups outside the BCH echo chamber (which uses the name of BTC because you lot do not have a shred of integrity and will use SJW mentality to justify it), including the mods of this subreddit.

Do normal people go "oh, BCHes will be BCHes" and shrug it off. Or do they get rightfully pissed off and block of persistent sources of harassment.

2) Spend & Replace. The only ones that benefit from this. Especially as the ENTIRE HISTORY of Bitcoin has proven that HODLING has been FAR MORE LUCRATIVE. Are EXCHANGES. Oh and guess what Roger runs. No wait, I'll hold my god damned beer and wait for you to say how SPEND & REPLACE makes complete Bullshit Sense as more merchants are onboarded.

3) The BCH Modlogs prove that your Echo Chamber does in fact Ban & Censor. Aside from the aggressive downvotes on anything outside the BCH or Roger Narrative. As to giving BCH nutjobs another angle from which to whine and scream foul, like some degenerate howler monkey. Why on earth would normal people want to deal with that. Or for that matter give these lunatics the satisfaction of getting what they want.

/r/CryptoCurrency Thread