Looking for a small nude female statue that's not overly sexualized, can anyone help?

Well the whole idea behind the Virgin Mary is there needed to be an explanation as to how Jesus could be born free of 'sin' (eg. Mary having had sex, because the first sin was women's sexuality according to the Bible) so to make up for this the New Testament has immaculate conception where Mary is able to be a virgin, but also a mother.

That combined with the holding of Mary as a representation of the perfect feminine is really repressive to women - in that it is impossible. This carries overs in Christian culture that supposes a woman should only have sex to have children and only after she's married, that her role as a mother should be her greatest sense of self, but she should also feel deep shame because of her 'original sin.'

Kind of a lot to unpack here but basically, whether the statue is an hypersexual porno nude or the Virgin Mary, the entirety of "feminine" is being rested on their sexual status. It's sort of like, a dime is a dime, whether it lands on heads or tails. Both rest on patriarchal definitions of what it is to be woman and neither is flattering.

So it doesn't make any sense to have a problem with female nude statues if you're going to have the equally repressive Virgin Mary right there.

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