Looking to understand the anti feminist viewpoint (mods, this is meant for understanding this sub's POV, so it shouldnt collide with rule 6)

Yeah no, I will be deleting this entire thread to erase me even being here. No point in continuing a conversation when at this point every comment is literally replicating the same words spoken by a previous comment Also, no , I'm not defending the radical feminist(impresionable youth) that harass her, nor am I defending her for sprouting words in her book without any scientific backing. And yes, we should start talking about how even though both his dad and his mom abused her, she never did once in her biography degrade her father while she degraded her mother .and yes, we should also talk about how her mother's abuse towards her was a result of his father abusing her mother and how she still saw her own abused mother as the actual bad guy rather than her father when her mother was also a victim of abuse

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