Causal Misandry: Seixsm against men is okay

Maybe some of you can explain something to me, but like you can't even talk to self "proclaimed" feminists without them not only refuting everything you say with "You have a dick, shut the fuck up and kill yourself" usually in the most passive aggressive way possible but they have to have a literal GAGGLE of self-certified champions of equality go YAAAAAAAAAAS queen after you're promptly laughed out of the room.
I just had an argument over at r\askafeminist about how the suicide rate for men is much higher than women's, especially among white males over 30. I admit, i got a little heated because i lost my brother recently over suicide and i lashed out saying that it's not enough that they get no respect from people in real life, their problems are paraded to the public and laughed at. Is it because of shit that happened a long time ago? Do they blame me for trump? Like wtf?

And i came to the realization... they hate us. Like legit want us to die and i truly don't get it. I've cried so much today that i can barely breathe.
I don't know why we can't have a conversation anymore. Why it's funny that men turn to drink and eventually think that the only way to get the pain to stop is from the barrel of a gun.
I don't get it.

/r/antifeminists Thread Link -