Looks like Musicoin is getting dumped heavy.. What a shame as good project

You sound like an idiot.

I would urge you not to as this could be a good project Except it isn't there are far better projects to invest in which and sitting on this coin is going to hurt you.

some features like downloads and it could really go up high Very vague indeed. So downloads are going to make the price go huge are they? How high could it go?

Even if it looks to be going down fast it might come back if we can get some good news out. It's not moving. It's a total shit coin. Every other coin is showing good growth and this isn't. Again, you're using words that suggest even you are not confident in the project.


The speaker also shows degree of certainty or uncertainty through intonation and stress. If the speaker stresses the modal verb, they are expressing more uncertainty than if they stress the main verb.

Take a look at the market cap on Bittrex. It is under BTC of volume - it won't be long before Bittrex remove it and the coin drops to 10-25% of its current value.

/r/musicoin Thread