Ltt is becoming boring

For me personally a lot of it comes down to the concentration of topics. So much of the main channel feels like a re-tred of lets build a PC with some weird variation. In early days of parts scarcity it was cool to see someone get to play around with the new stuff. Now after so long of not being able to obtain any of these items at anything approaching msrp it's starting to feel like teasing/bragging. Yeah great your 3090 home server is cool, when do I get to build one? The scarcity is obciously not ltt's fault but why would I care about benchmarks or uses for items that are unobtanium. Also, everything on ltt just feels so generic now, so overproduced and sanitized. I don't know if it's softening the channel to appeal to sponsors or to drag in a wider less tech literate audience for view count (again to appeal to sponsors) but I can't remember the last floatplane push notification I wanted to click on right away. There's so much good content on youtube now it's probably best that I move on to other creators instead of expecting ltt to meet my expectations.

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