A great selling point!

What he's saying is so true. Saying from personal experience. I'm 16, all my friends watch it and we all know it, in my school or country or whatever, as far as I know, most teens watch it (at least boys). I thought it isn't a problem and when I discovered this sub I was like pftttttt ewe pron addicts wtf I'm just watching a few minutes a day I'm perfectly fine.

Well. This is wrong. Even 3 minutes a day is addiction, because it's still a habit and it has extremely bad effects on you, and as he says if you watch pron as a habit chances are you'll be shocked at how difficult and depressing it could be to last without it even a week. Just Try.

I seem to be the first of my friend group to acknowledge the problem but I am attempting to get them to acknowledge it too.

/r/oculus Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it