I’m gender confused and wondering if this is where I can ask questions

It takes time.

There are things you can change about your presentation. There are things you can't. Gender stereotypes are pervasive, and everyone who doesn't conform must endure constant reminders that they don't conform.

I got it a lot when I used to pretend to be a man, even though that was the gender I was assigned at birth. I've know cis-gendered men even shorter than me. I knew a cis-gendered woman who was taller than most men... presumably she should be barred from playing on a women's sports team, according to the gender critical theorists.

Then check this out. The critical gender theorists want us to believe that men should not ever enter a women's room, so they did this: https://www.advocate.com/business/2015/06/17/detroit-woman-kicked-out-restaurant-bathroom-looking-man-sues

Of course, they blame this, somehow, on trans people, even though there wasn't a single trans person present! Cis-gendered fascist men simply invite themselves into spaces they themselves believe should be closed to "men," on the basis that there is a man in there. It is a microcosm of police brutality and the fascist mindset of paranoid conspiracy theories.

Point is, even cis-gendered people can't pass. Fascists and critical gender theorists need to get over their fetishes.

I used non-surgical voice training. Vocal training is an alternative to surgery. It's more difficult but you get to decide how you want to sound. I ended up going with a voice that's not too different from my original voice, just with less resonance.

HRT will take some time to work its magick. If you can meditate deeply (I learned using body scanning meditation recordings), it may also be possible to keep the process going after it stops. Collagen seems to be important.

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