I’m a socialist but I love this subreddit

Haha, I have some complex thoughts on this so forgive the rant I'm about to subject you to.

I'm not really a monarchist but I, too, love this sub. I'm an American and an Orthodox Christian and even though I'm socially conservative, I tend to be fiscally moderate and I don't like the idea of an overbearing government. Somehow on the political compass that translates to being just barely right and up from "true center."

So yeah, not a monarchist but many of the saints and even martyrs of my church were righteous kings and queens. Even if that era of history has passed on, we continue to honor them.

People have argued before that the traditional Orthodox worldview is inherently monarchical and I'm not sure I necessarily disagree. If somehow, somewhere, the people of a nation decided to rearrange themselves into an Orthodox monarchy in the style of Eastern Rome or Tsarist Russia, I wouldn't consider that a bad thing -- Though of course that would also depend on the manner in which that rearrangement happened. I just don't think of it as a realistic possibility in the 21st century. Certainly not in the United States.

/r/monarchism Thread