The Magnificent or Miserable Monday Megathread

Last week, I did 3 dates through the week cause I had time. First one, I asked him out cause we chatted for like 6 hrs straight on the app, and he didn't seem to be close to suggest anything anytime soon. He said yes, took the initiative to plan the whole thing, and our rapport was just as good in person. After the date, we have texted, but no date 2 ask. I'm very eager to remain friends either way, so I'm not really sure how to approach this. Second date, immediately not attracted. Third date, kind of on the fence, but then when we went to hug goodbye (after a very short date cause I had a previous engagement), he lifted me off the ground, which is probably one of the most bizarre and unexpected things I've ever experienced, especially as a 5'8 person. I was like, ok, no one's ever done that to me, bye lol. Hopefully, this upcoming week yields better results, but I'm heading for a break thereafter.

/r/hingeapp Thread