The many changes that are slowly hurting Pokémon online.

Ty for the response. You guys are doing a good job, you guys are adding in alot of cool new features. I really like the addition of the monthly versus ladder, its a great way to keep players interested in coming back, to either complete the whole ladder or to get back monthly to see what the new ladder looks like. Which makes the ptcgo easier to get into as well as for a active and bigger player base. The new up and coming reward(bonus) wheel seems like a good idea as well,as far as I have information about it of course. Now i do not know whats going on behind the scene's, but i am under the impression the dev team is putting their priorities in the wrong section. Yes, the changes to the vs-ladder, and updating the reward system is all very good up until now in my opinion. But it seems you guys are forgetting the core which makes this game fun to play. To me it isn't all the rewards we can gather, to me its playing a fluently, bugless game of cards. 1. The added Animations are extremely dreadful. I don't mind forcing animations, but the amount of time i have to wait for it the animation to start, to end (while i can do nothing in the meantime) and the length of the animations is dreadful. 2. The amount of done/ accept buttons i have to click for the game to actually do something. For instance the done button, when your starting hand doesn't have a starting pokemon, this button literally has no function at all. It takes time before i am able to click it. I keep forgetting the button, which keeps the game from staring. And i know i am not the only one. 3. The removal of actual usefull buttons like the "step back" button which was in the game some patches ago. I am misclicking quite a bit because of the drag and draw system and this adds to a lot of frustrating moments, where i place a card where i didn't ment to. 4. the amount of bugs that are in the game, and that this amount seems to be growing every other update, is starting to worry me. (it may be good to either have the servers tested on a ptr-server (with fixed test times, so it will be tested) or extensively tested by the dev team before launch. (With extensively tested i dont mean checking if all the cool new shuffle animations work.) I could probably go on a while. But I think the message is quite clear. The dev team is doing a good job and has great ideas to keep the game interesting, the implementation of those ideas aren't the best though and that's no problem. The main problem is losing focus on how the game is played and fluent gameplay, which is dreadful to even the more hardcore players.

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