Why do so many of y'all have such low vigor?

Your OP + this comment in particular suggest your strategy of speccing heavy into vigor is preferable mainly because you haven't got the game mechanics down yet.

If you're getting hit by Radahn's arrows you're doing something very, very wrong. If you're getting hit by most bosses you're usually doing something wrong. Evading the big hits is the main game, not surviving them by way of a larger health bar.

Speccing deep into vigor is a waste of points for as long as you've still got offensive stats to soft cap, which is well into mid-late game for most builds. The incremental health value from extra vigor is not being realised 99.9% of the time you're playing, even on bosses, unless you're button mashing and getting hit by stuff you're supposed to evade or not timing your pots, and later bosses will one-shot you anyway.

Those complaining about being one-shot need to learn work on their positioning and evasion, not spec deep in vigor. Surviving one extra hit (at the cost of tens of levels worth of points) won't increase your chances of victory if the fight takes 20-30% longer because your points went to extending your health bar rather than chunking the boss's.

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