im gonna get downvoted to oblivion and probaly banned from this sub for this but i couldn't give a shit.

There must be more details to this, shot 27 times and granade shrapnel?

Yeah fucking right!

unless many of the shots hit a bullet proof vest, or helmet or his riffle etc... or unless he had something like that gel you put on a wound to stop the bleeding that we've seen on Reddit.

he would have easily bled out from the shots alone, c mon people 27 fucking times? i mean maybe if it was 27 shots from a .22 or something but we always see the terrorist ising AK's or some shit.

This is gold for this sub, its MURICA in a nutshell, guns, dead terrorist, baddass soldier who wont die, he walked himself to the extraction helicopter. what an american hero!

most or all of the shots had to be on his upper body since walked to the helicopter, and not one major artery, or organ got hit? did he get shot with 27 painballs or something?

this belongs on r/quityourbullshit

this sounds more like propaganda than anything else, this is some north korea type shit.

let the hate begin, fuck all y'all anyway.

/r/MURICA Thread Link -