Married at 20 & 22?

So I (21M) married my wife (20F) in January. We online dated for years and when we did meet, it was for 2 weeks on my leave. I married her 4 days after meeting her in person. Mistake? Probably, but I have yet to meet those obstacles. Most of our relationship has been over phone and we are just now living together. I was in South Korea for most of our relationship while she worked 2 not much communication. Maybe an hour a day at most? So I know how you and your bf are feeling. What I can say is that deployment does change a person. I came back and have said some rude things to my wife. Things I didn't think I would ever say, but I've stopped with the petty stuff. If I want something done, I'll get it done. It may have been just the environment I was in, but I'm not the same person I was when I first texted her from back in the states.

I am also getting my bachelor's in Cybersecurity while getting a separate bachelor's in IT specializing In Data networking and security (just got accepted into NWU for my master's woohoo). I am a 25B so I guess you could say it is a cushy job and maybe it was just the stress of getting all my certifications. I'm working on trying to get better, but I don't believe a shrink will help me.

When he gets back, take some time to just see how he is now. Don't just run to him like if he is the same person as when he left than get body slammed because he now has PTSD from deployment. Don't get mad at him if he yells at you. Don't get mad st him if he wants to do everything on his own. The best thing you can do is to just adjust to his new lifestyle. If you can live with it, get married. If you want to let him readjust back to the states and (maybe) go back to the personality he once had, than don't marry him.

Feel free to dm me.

/r/USMilitarySO Thread