Why do you suppose Gen X wasn’t all that vocal growing up when it came to political activism?

No I basically just do what I want now that I’m almost 21. It’s been like that ever since I’ve turned 18, my mom’s a preacher now but she doesn’t force me to go to her church or study with everyone or anything. I mostly live on college campus anyways, but my dad was married to a woman a couple years ago who was really extreme. (Even more extreme that most of my family) She wouldn’t even allow me to watch any movies that were anything but G or PG rated even though I was like 15 lol. I hated her, and she always showed favoritism. My room was always pretty clean and you could see the floor and everything, yet she’d always only lecture me about it. Her daughters room you couldn’t even see the floor, she had literal piles of stuff up to her bed and her whole room but she never said anything to her.

/r/generationology Thread Parent