Relationship Suffering During Deployment

I'm really sorry to put this way but you are acting crazy. Do you honestly expect your deployed boyfriend to have to take care of your emotional health and needs while he's in a foreign country, surrounded by hostile people, in danger, adjusting to a time difference, suffering from lack of sleep, suffering from not having his family and support network around, suffering from primitive living conditions, bad food, etc.? And this is the bare minimum of what he's going through, if he's seeing any sort of action, going on patrols, seeing people get injured, etc. it's even worse. And he's supposed to give you the warm fuzzies in the few minutes per day he gets to message you on top of all this? Holy shit, woman. You really, really need to adjust your expectations. Here's what you can expect from him: - Little to no intimacy of any type - Little to no emotional support - Little to no contact

Isn't it enough for you that he takes the time out of his day just to send you a message? If not, it should be, given the circumstances. My SO is deployed and I appreciate the shit out of any brief conversation we manage to have because I know he has to go to effort just to be online and available for a few minutes. I don't expect him to listen to me bitch about how hard it is without him. I don't expect him to hold my hand and comfort me. I actually don't expect anything from him. My only goal in our conversations is to make it known to him that he is loved, that I am thinking of him, and to do whatever I can to brighten his day. When I send him a care package, I certainly don't expect a long emotional thank you. He lets me know he got it and then I ask him what else he needs for the next one I send. That's it. This is the reality of communication on deployment, your expectations are just not reasonable.

/r/USMilitarySO Thread