Marvel Cinematic Universe: The First Ten Years, 1000 pieces, Mondo (art by Matt Taylor)

Too bad “cinema” comes from clipping the French “cinématographe”, which comes from the Greek kinema (movement) and gráphō (write, as in record). I think the definition of cinema we have today is largely influenced by the fact that television was invented decades later. And I also think that if Marvel invents its own Cinematic Universe, it can put in it whatever and still be “Cinematic” by its own definition. WandaVision has so much comic lore that renowned tv recappers have been using Wikipedia to verify the right thing to write. And it’s been innovative and surprising so far. I understand you don’t like where the MCU is going, you’re absolutely entitled to your opinion, as I am. But if you evaluate what you’ve not seen, or decide what’s MCU and what’s not, along with listing political agendas and “certain groups” you’re obviously not part of, you come off as judgemental and not at all interested in open discussion.

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