May 11-12

Of all the many straws CC has grasped at to beat Natalie with, deriding her for being “captain of the NYU soccer team” has always been my favorite. I’m a huge soccer fan, and after I read Natalie’s article, before I even looked up who CC was, I googled Nat’s athletic profile. Even for a midfielder, her numbers are far from prolific. No shade, because I fully understand how hard that position is and how important captaincy is to any sport, especially soccer... but NYU is not in the least bit renowned for its athletics, and soccer ranks low even for them.

It’s not the trump card CC thinks it is at all. If anything, it proves how strong Natalie’s work ethic was because she not only took on a full academic load and working part time, but also accepted a leadership role for an extracurricular activity where she received little to no recognition. She bossed shit in ways CC could only dream.

/r/SmolBeanSnark Thread Parent