What's something you can honestly say you like about yourself?

I have had a bad day so maybe this post will make me feel a little better about my self. So I'll think of a couple of positive things. I have a very high level of empathy. can be a blessing and a curse. I have always been like this, when i was younger I used to take food from the fridge and give it to homeless people that used to come door to door begging for food. (common in my country, Zambia southern Africa) my mom used to let me because I think my mom is the same, growing up we always had people at home. she's not rich, she's works as a secretary but still managed to educate 7 people. I am 25 now, i enjoy giving. I am currently in 4th year medical school and I tend to get emotional when i see someone suffering so much. my dream is to go around the world helping people. a curse because people tend to take advantage of me. i am kind of multi talented, I can produce beats, I am very good at cooking and baking but i am especially good at Zambian food, Italian, greek and Indian. I always try to go the authentic way. i will look for recipes from old women that can barely speak English. I am a funny girl, I have the ability to distinguish between jokes and real life. though my empathy is very high, i love good dark humor. I don't easily get offended. I have the best memes. I don't judge people by their ethnicity, i judge people individually. I always stand my ground, I am respectful, i still believe in love. I am told i have a nice smile. also I can eat whatever and never gain weight :)

/r/AskReddit Thread