it me, Alfie the guy /r/Jaguars hates. AMA

Hey Alfie. I actually used to sort of work with you (I'll leave the where out but feel free to PM me and I'll tell you - if nothing else than to humor you).

So I can only speak for myself, and you probably don't give two shits, but let me say a few things: I think you're honestly a great writer. Possibly one of the best on all of SBN. Your articles are concise, well written and do a great job of breaking down the topic at hand. You have a lot of great insight and passion for the Jags and football and I truly enjoy reading them.

But then there's how you conduct yourself post-article conversation, aka why people hate you. Moderating a forum can suck, people are idiots and some definitely need to be put in their place from time to time.... But holy shit man....... Sometimes I'm shocked that SBN didn't shit can you a long time ago (which probably speaks to your talents as a writer).

You just have a really hard time disagreeing with someone in a civil manner. It's like you have this compulsive need to argue to the death with anyone who disagrees with you. Not just argue but to be condescending, sarcastic and snide. It gets old quick. Shit, there's times where I wont read BCC for weeks at a time because I don't want to read through the childishness. If you were just a forum member it would be bad enough, but your'e a MOD - you're supposed to be better than that.

If you could get past that everything would be cool. People don't want to hate you just because, the hate for you is reactionary - and justified. The other shitty part is that this fanbase has had enough to deal with over the years. We get constantly shit on by the media and the fans of the other 31 teams. We should be (and for the most part actually are) a unified fan base. We don't need such pettiness that is often exhibited on BCC (not just by you , don't get me wrong).

I don't personally hate or even dislike you. I've seen the real life you which is a complete 180 from what comes through the keyboard sometimes. If you could just not be such a dick sometimes and remember that Jags fans should be a family and treat each other with a certain level of respect as much as possible - this all wouldn't be a thing right now.

Take care man.

/r/Jaguars Thread