me and the bois

"geriatrics" great way to insult elder proletarians and slander a communist party you know nothing about (only heard rumors of!), you manipulative cretinous nonce. You're a perfect example of why people laugh at leftists, it's embarrassing. I'm here criticizing the actions of the party and it's handling of YCL, racism, violence, and misogyny, and here you are trying to regurgitate the dogma about how the party is structured when I understand it maybe better than you do. Dozens of YCL and CPC members were lost because 90% of you who hold any power are middle class white nerds with two faces - that's not identity politics when you consider that your material interests don't at all match with the poor white and immigrant workers alike pay the taxes your YCL chapters use to go on free trips, insult feminists, and push liberal party propaganda about gender at conference workshops.

None of them are unfounded if you knew anything about the CPC/YCL - you are either new or lying for the Reddit facade. Toronto is full of self-important goofs. In 2015-2018 especially there was drama at every CPC conference, I was trying to understand wtf was going on. Strong accusations and evidence of racism and misogyny were laid against CPC members by comrades from Hamilton and never addressed, only covered up. YCL is nonexistent in Quebec for this same reason way back. CPC might as well join CSIS, because I never in my life seen them do anything I could call socialist.

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