A People’s Alternative for Ontario: Communist Party running 12 candidates in provincial election

These fucking people drive me insane, and you can never get through to them. Ford is going to further gut our healthcare system (wouldn't be surprised if my trans healthcare is just removed entirely), and continue validating all the crazy right winger bullshit that has been happening lately. You fucks think Liberals are going to be actively work to strip abortion rights for the next 5 years like Ford will (either Trudeau is going to be able to prevent this, or Liberals are ineffective and useless, pick one)? I seriously don't fucking care if we just slip slower into whatever Capitalist dystopia we're headed for. I want to feel comfortable going outside, and these stupid protest votes do fuck all to help anyone who actually needs help today.

Sorry for setting up my soap box under your comment, but I seriously cannot stand this mentality. I literally cannot afford some of the services that the Conservatives want to take away, and these Twitter Leftists cannot help themselves but talk about how electoralism is a sham and that I'm a lib for trying to actually defend my rights. No doubt gonna get shit on here but idfc.

/r/canadaleft Thread Parent Link - theleftchapter.com