Meanwhile, in Europe

Yeah no worries buddy, personally I believe religion is functionally equivalent to other forms of emotional-self-help rituals, and that everybody manifests that human need in some way whether it's diving into exercise/videogames/media/food/music/sex/whatever. So when I see people who can honestly believe wholeheartedly in the tenets of their admittedly-inherently-superstitious faiths, I don't get mad or jealous or anything I just feel happy that the person in question is able to scratch that mental meaning-of-life itch in a satisfying way.

If all those apocalyptic predictions started coming true, I'd probably find religion too!

But yeah about the Hasids/Haredi/Ultra-Orthodox whatever you wanna call em, they're just another manifestation of that super-persecution-drives-super-crazy fundamentalist vein that runs in any cultural practice or religious sect. Those guys came from the hardest parts of Eastern/Central Europe where the persecution was most intense most recently in the last several hundred years, so understandably they turned inward and more insular and got crazy as a result. The bad thing though, is that since the rest of the world Jewish population steadily turned more secular and educated/low-breeding-rate as a result, the Hasids are breeding their way up the percentages of the population. E.g., they're a significant enough percent of the population in Israel now that they can successfully swing the hard-right block further right, which of course impedes any peace talks that could ever happen.

They're also essentially parasites of society, they're exempt from the Israeli mandatory enlistment that even the Arab citizens do, and usually don't work and live off government handouts. It's a hard situation, dealing with this growing segment of entitled cunts.

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