Meeting you halfway.

Race and nationality are two different things. If you can't get that then there is little point discussing it. We would be saying the same thing if it was primarily white Canadians swarming in and working under the table for shit wages. Clearly you have never worked in any of the trades or you would have a much better understanding of this. It drives wages down for everyone. It hurts Americans. A lot of the money gets pulled directly out of our economy and injected into other countries. It draws a ton of crime as more and more people come illegally and is a huge source of manpower for criminal enterprises. Many come here and can't speak english.

People who think that breaking the law and entering illegally is perfectly fine do not respect our laws or our country. I lost my truck because an illegal ran a light, hit me and didn't have insurance. He got a ticket and was supposed to go to court over it and, guess what, he vanished. poof Awesome. Thanks for that. I could totally afford another car at that time. I hate illegals. I don't hate them because of their race or nationality I hate them because they are selfish criminals with no regard for us. There is a legal way of doing it. They choose not to go that route.

/r/The_Donald Thread