A message from a staff member of the Final season of AoT

Nah the whole situation with TLOU2 was a straight clusterfuck compared to what's going on with AoT. A good number of people were (imo rightfully) critical of the story, but iirc the real reason that became such a shitfest was cuz of Sony copyright striking a shitton of people for just talking about the leaks (not even directly showing them) when they first came out and Druckmann shutting down all criticism because of the vocal minority who went completely apeshit over the game (And keep in mind Druckmann already wasn't liked much by a lot of people given the drama that happened with Uncharted 4 and the rumors that he forced Amy Henning out of Naughty Dog). Hell even the most often used example of someone sending death threats over the game was actually from a fan of the game lmao.

Of course there were a ton of people who disliked the game that got toxic over it, and nobody who worked on it deserved getting death threats, but almost everything surrounding that game was a bonfire that kept getting gasoline poured onto it, so I feel it's not as good as a comparison to what's happening with Mappa and AoT.

/r/titanfolk Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it