Mika C6 is a downgrade, not a sidegrade for Bennett C5 (with single-target calculations)

KQM standard is wack for high end players. The artifacts standard is so shit you could farm it in 1 month and they dont allow a single crown but ofc they make all character lvl90.

This make the calc scew toward transformative reaction and fuck with character that scale almost exclusively on crit.

Eula still fall behind in that area though but not as much as you think. You will be surprised how overrated/underrated some teams are in high end artifacts territory.

For example c1r1 Xiao without any other 5s weapon or unit can clear this Abyss boss ASIMON in 20 seconds(continuous speedrun) I myself did it in 26 seconds, you can check my post. C0 nahida duo hydro Hyperbloom got abyss blessing but cant even touch 30 seconds. 75K dps my ass.

Hopefully one day EN knows about 4-cost speedrun competition. You know what is worse than dmg per screenshot? Dmg per spreadsheet.

/r/EulaMains Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it